Ecotack Corcho

Water-based contact adhesive for the installation of cork wall coverings

Ecotack Poliestireno

Water-based contact adhesive for the installation of expanded polystyrene (EPS)


Product for removing glues and residues of wet or dry

Espuma de PU Pistola

Self-expanding foam for sealing, affixing and insulating. Applicable to doors,

Espuma de PU Spray

Self-expanding foam for sealing, affixing and insulating. Applicable to doors,

Hot Melt RB-1100 Transparent

Transparent hot-melt adhesive sticks for work and crafts in wood,

Hot Melt RB-900 Blanca

White hot-melt adhesive sticks for work and crafts in wood,

Laca acabado brillante

WOOD FINISHING PRODUCTS. Nitrocellulose lacquer for glossy wood finish. Fast

Laca tapaporos

WOOD FINISHING PRODUCTS. Nitrocellulose based wood sealer. High filling power,


Adhesiu termofusible Hot-Melt en esferes de color ivori. Especial per


Hot-melt adhesive in ivory-coloured spheres for gluing melamine, polyester, wood


Hot-melt adhesive in translucent spheres that becomes transparent when melted.